There are plenty of Spring & Summer Field Days coming up that will be attended by the good people at SUN-POWER Auto Gates.  This week, we have been busy preparing our stock & display, gearing ourselves up for the short drive to BERRY, NSW for the Field Day which is on Friday 5th September and Saturday 6th September.

We look forwarding to meeting you and discussing your needs for an automatic gate operator.  We sell swing gate operators andslide gate operators.  No matter your need, SUN-POWER Auto Gates has a solution where your gate is concerned.

Come on down to our stall/tent and have a yarn with Terry or Simon and learn from 2 entirely different generations of auto-gate specialists.  See you tomorrow or Saturday! 😎


Photos from Day 1.

Simon assists customers

Terry preparing for customers

Terry surveys the lay of the land

Everyone pretending to be very interested whilst actually being quite interested

Product Enquiry